Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Zakharchyn Halyna Myronivna

Zakharchyn Halyna Myronivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine

Head of the Department of personnel management and administration of the Lviv Polytechnic National University




Honcharov Yevheniy Volodymyrovych

Mnykh Ol'ha Bohdanivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [332.1:330.322]:338.124.4
Mnykh, O. B., Zakharchyn, G. M., & Goncharov, Ye. B. (2011). Osoblyvosti innovatsiyno-orhanizatsiynoho rozvytku rehional'noyi ekonomiky v umovakh pohlyblennya kryzy [Features of Regional Economy Innovative-Organizational Development in the Conditions of Crisis Deepening]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 62(4), 132-139. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

The qualitative and quantitative changes in external and internal environment of regional economic development in the context of promotion of innovative activity in Ukraine are outlined. The issues of businesses establishments’ passivity in innovations implementation in terms of crisis deepening are stressed. Industrial functions that enable evaluation of the economy sectors’ development nature are built. 
regional economy, investments in innovative products, innovative activity of enterprises, intellectual capital 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Zakharchyn, H. M. (2010). Formuvannya instytutu orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury v konteksti instytutsionalizatsiyi ekonomiky [Forming of the Institute of Organizational Culture in the Context of Economy Institutialization]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 58(4), 157-163. [in Ukrainian]. 

The institutional nature of organizational culture and its institutional environment as well as intercommunication between formal and informal institutes are considered. The possibility and necessity of forming of organizational culture institute at the level of enterprise are analyzed. Structure of organizational culture institute, its semantic filling and activity directions (sphere of marketing and logistic; productions and efficient use of resources; personnel management; finance; innovations; administrative decisions making) are proposed. Functions and principles of the institute of organizational culture of the machine-building enterprise are outlined. 
institutialization, institute, institutional environment, organizational culture, structure 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Zakharchyn, G. M. (2009). Aktyvizatsiya innovatsiynykh protsesiv pidpryyemstv mashynobuduvannya na osnovi faktora innovatsiynoyi kul'tury [Activation of Innovative Processes of Machine-Building Enterprises on the Basis of the Factor of Innovative Culture]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 54(4), 246 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

The role of innovative culture is elucidated in the innovation development of machine-building enreprises. Problem aspects which brake innovative activity of domestic machine-building enterprises are characterized and the stimulant effect of innovative culture is grounded. Interconnection of innovative potential opens up with an innovative culture has been outline. Stabilizing and developing components of innovative cultures are singled out; and also a new type of culture is offered to consideration and practical use: culture of states and culture of action. Main principles and functions of innovative culture are characterized with a special accent on a motivational function which co-ordinates interests of all the participants of innovative cycle. Cascade and spiral models of innovative culture, which characterize its life cycle and determine the prospects of development are described. 
innovative culture, innovative development, innovative potential, motivation 

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