Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Bilyk Diana Rostyslavivna

Bilyk Diana Rostyslavivna

Student of the Department of international economic relations of the Kyiv National Economic University n.a. Vadym Hetman




Bilyk Ruslana Serhiyivna

Havrylyuk Oksana Volodymyrivna


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.137.2; JEL В22, F01, O10
Bilyk, R. S., Bilyk, D. R., & Havrylyuk, O. V. (2024). Ekonomichna sutnist' ta chynnyky formuvannya mizhnarodnoyi konkurentospromozhnosti natsional'noyi ekonomiky [Economic nature and factors of shaping the international competitiveness of the national economy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 95-101. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

It is increasingly important to understand the fundamentals of international competitiveness in today’s globalized world, when economic borders between countries are becoming increasingly transparent. Countries that can compete effectively in the global market have better opportunities for stable economic growth, investment attraction, and improvement of the living standards of their citizens. The article aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical and practical aspects determining the international competitiveness of a country and to identify the main internal and external factors influencing its level. The article analyzes the internal and external factors that shape the international competitiveness of the national economy. The focus is on the impact of economic, political, technological, socio-cultural, natural, and geographical factors. The article examines how global market conditions, global competition, and economic integration influence the country’s economy. The importance of political stability and international norms in the context of economic growth is considered. Special attention is paid to the role of the latest technologies and global innovations that determine the country’s ability to adapt and influence the international arena. The authors also reveal how cultural compatibility and international labor migration influence the competitive advantages of the national economy. The article proves the necessity of using an integrated approach to analysis and strategic planning, which will lead to an increase in the country’s international competitiveness. The authors define the international competitiveness of the national economy as the ability of a country to ensure a high standard of living for its citizens and to maintain and expand its position in world markets based on resource productivity and resilience to external disturbances. The economic nature of international competitiveness covers a number of key elements, including production efficiency, innovation, quality of goods and services, technological development, and the ability to adapt to the changing conditions of the global economic environment. 
competitiveness, international economy, internal factors, national economy, external factors, efficiency, investment 

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