Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Chernychko Tetyana Volodymyrivna

Chernychko Tetyana Volodymyrivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Professor of the Department of economic regulation of the Mukachevo State University



Repository of Institute of Regional Research Chernychko, T. V. (2011). Formuvannya finansovykh vidnosyn v umovakh evolyutsiynykh transformatsiynykh zmin v ekonomichniy systemi Ukrayiny [Building of Financial Relations in Terms of Evolutionary Transformational Changes in Ukrainian Economic System]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 61(3), 105-113. [in Ukrainian]. 

The problem of formation of effective financial relations in terms of transformational changes in Ukrainian economic system is considered. The stages of analysis of the state of financial relations are proposed with the selection of the following elements: formation of actual GDP volume of the country; determination of proportions in the sphere of formation and distribution of primary income; determination of proportions in the sphere of formation and distribution of ultimate income. The main problems of institutional structure of financial relations in Ukraine are defined on the basis of analysis. 
financial relations, primary income of institutional sector, ultimate income of institutional sector 

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