Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Dubel Mykhailo Volodymyrovych

Dubel Mykhailo Volodymyrovych

Doctor of Philosophy

Assistant of the Department of political science and public administration of the Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University




Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 353:351.82:[004.738.5:339]; JEL D12, F40, H10, O19
Dubel, M. V. (2023). Osoblyvosti rozvytku elektronnoyi komertsiyi: inozemnyy dosvid [Features of the development of electronic commerce: foreign experience]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 108 (2), 138-145. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 14

The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the development of electronic commerce in different countries of the world. Three countries - Italy, the USA, and China - were chosen for the analysis of the features of the development of e-commerce. The first one is the most classical country of the Old World by many criteria, the second one – the most characteristic representative of the countries of “migrant capital”, the third one – the brightest representative among the Asian countries due to the high growth rates of economic indicators and a planned development system that is almost unique in the modern world. The most popular types of e-commerce transactions in Italy are business-to-consumer (B2C), business-to-business (B2B), and consumer-to-consumer (C2C). Italy is lagging behind other European countries in the development of e-commerce due to the country’s aging population, a low percentage of people with bank accounts and bank cards, the low percentage of people with high-quality Internet access, and the fact that only a little more than half of the country’s population uses smartphones. The US e-commerce market is characterized by two main directions of B2B and B2C formats. The e-commerce market in the US is moderately fragmented. Amazon,, and are the leading online stores in the US e-commerce market. They account for 35% of all online revenues in the US. The mobile shopping category is a growing trend. The COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating the shift to online consumption as consumers practice social distancing, and e-commerce orders for food and medical supplies have become a survival and convenience tool for the American family. E-commerce in China, despite its rapid development, also faces a number of problems, such as the lack of a security system, insufficiently developed intellectual property institutions, illegal trade, and fraud. The resale of personal information seriously damages the possibilities of sustainable development of e-commerce. Nevertheless, the government is developing measures aimed at solving these challenges and strives to develop stable and safe online trade in the country. 
e-commerce, digitalization, COVID-19 pandemic, e-trade, Internet trade 

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