Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Harasymlyuk Mariya Volodymyrivna

Harasymlyuk Mariya Volodymyrivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Associate Professor of the Department of management and goods expertise of the Faculty of Economics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv




Zapyshna Anna Serhiyivna

Kyslashko Solomiya Ihorivna

Kistochka Yuliya Viktorivna

Levyts'ka Ol'ha Mykolayivna

Nahulyak Andriy Bohdanovych

Sayets' Illya Antonovych

Trots' Yuliya Tarasivna


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.341.1:637.1:658.821; JEL О31, О32, М11, М39
Harasymlyuk, M. V., & Kistochka, Yu. V. (2024). Osoblyvosti innovatsiynoyi diyal'nosti pidpryyemstv molochnoyi produktsiyi [Features of innovative activity of dairy enterprises]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 102-111. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 11

The article is devoted to the current problem of researching the peculiarities of the innovative activity of Ukrainian dairy enterprises. Strategic planning of innovative development, features of products, and organizational and technological innovations are analyzed using methods of analysis and synthesis. The article reveals that the main goal of the innovative development of LLC “MK Halychyna” is to achieve and maintain the leadership in the Ukrainian market of dairy products, especially in the segment of fermented milk food products. The enterprise works efficiently, profitability is growing steadily. The enterprise uses a quality management system for innovative products and highly efficient equipment manufactured in Europe. Raw materials for production are purchased from Ukrainian farms. The environmental problem lies in the lack of a full-fledged substitute for plastic that would ensure the storage standards for dairy products. Product innovations are mostly improving, appeal to ethnographic motives, and are aimed at a young audience. The management of the enterprise carefully approaches the issues of organizational support for strategic planning of innovative development. The organizational structure provides a clear division of tasks and responsibilities of specialists at all stages of development and implementation of an innovative strategy. Sufficient attention is paid to the implementation of appropriate management decisions and consideration and prevention of possible risks of innovative activity. To increase the relevance of marketing information, the article offers recommendations on the involvement of sales specialists and independent consulting companies. The authors suggest that the investment plans should be detailed and clarified in quarterly, monthly, and weekly plans. The article shows that human resources support for innovative development is mostly formalized, and the relevant policy is not based on modern personnel development management methods. To increase the innovative potential of the staff, the article recommends the introduction of an organizational and personnel audit, which will allow the alignment of the innovative potential with the goals of the innovative development of the enterprise. More attention should be paid to the identification, assessment, and prevention of innovation risks. Further research should be focused on analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the innovative policy of the enterprise in the conditions of the war and the post-war recovery of the domestic economy. 
organizational innovations, product innovations, technological innovations, strategic planning, marketing, dairy products 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.486.3; JEL L83, M12, M20
Harasymlyuk, M. V., & Kyslashko, S. I. (2023). Zastosuvannya funktsional'noho pidkhodu upravlinnya na pidpryyemstvakh sfery turystychnoho biznesu [Functional approach in the management of a tourism business enterprise]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 110 (4), 91-99. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

The article addresses the current problem of researching the peculiarities of the functional approach to the management of a tourist business enterprise operating in the conditions of war and develops practical recommendations for its improvement. With the help of methods of analysis and synthesis, the management functions of an active Ukrainian travel agency in the conditions of a systemic socio-economic crisis in the country are analyzed, positive aspects of management and problematic factors of development are identified, and proposals are made to improve the implementation of the functional approach in the management of the enterprise. The article suggests focusing on the planning of activities to ensure the physical safety of tourists and to create a digital information system of safe tourism with access to the Internet. The authors verify the operational efficiency of the agency, which overcame the negative consequences of the systemic crisis and is profitable in war conditions. Drafting a general business plan to coordinate operational plans and resource allocation opportunities is suggested. To overcome price shocks and take into account consumer priorities, the article proposes to introduce flexible pricing based on demand in the target market. The effectiveness of the implementation of the motivational function is confirmed by the creation of a capable team and the development of corporate relations. To increase the labor productivity of the staff, the authors suggest coordinating the remuneration based on the results of the activity according to the performance indicators and the level of motivational expectations of the staff. To increase the quality of implementation of the function of financial discipline control, the article proposes to determine the sources of cost savings and resource consumption. To ensure stable work in the conditions of a systemic crisis, the article recommends to introduce an analysis of the opportunities and threats of the external environment and the strengths and weaknesses of the agency. Prospects for further investigations are suggested to be directed towards identifying the sources of growth of the agency’s profitability and financial security management. 
planning function, organization function, motivational function, control function, travel agency, war 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 336.71:005.95; JEL E52, G21, J30, J33
Harasymlyuk, M. V., Levytska, O. M., & Sayets, I. A. (2023). Motyvatsiya personalu yak element upravlinnya diyal'nistyu banku [Staff motіvatіon as an element of bank actіvіty management]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 107 (1), 55-62. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

The article examines the topical issue of increasing the effectiveness of managing the motivation of bank employees. The issue of improving the work organization of bank specialists is especially relevant in view of the systemic challenges of the financial sector of Ukraine caused by the long-term negative impact of quarantine restrictions and the war. The practice of motivating personnel in the commercial bank “Idea Bank” JSC, which has been operating on the domestic market since 1991, is analyzed. The article shows that qualified employees are the main resource of the bank, and the priority of personnel management is to increase the qualification level of specialists. It also emphasizes that the achievement of the planned efficiency requires the personal interest of the specialists in the achievement of the set goals, therefore the motivational systems should be coordinated with the bank’s development strategy and the motivational expectations of the staff. Recommendations on motivation management and the implementation of adequate motivation systems are developed to ensure an increase in the efficiency of staff work. A motivation technology based on a comprehensive assessment of key performance indicators is proposed, which allows for rational distribution of labor costs depending on the contribution of each specialist. The largest contribution to the bank’s financial result belongs to the branches of corporate and retail service. To identify the contribution of each specialist to the financial result, the centers of responsibility for income and profit are recommended to be allocated, and an indicative analysis within each position using transparent mechanisms for differentiating the evaluated indicators should be carried out. Classification of specialists into the groups “best employee”, “key employee”, “needs improvement”, and “candidate for dismissal” will allow to determine the level of material remuneration of specialists according to objective criteria and will contribute to the development of personnel. The application of the proposed methodology in the system of motivation of specialists in the retail sector of the bank will contribute to the prompt adjustment of the practice of managing personnel development and optimization of business processes. 
motіvatіonal system, key performance іndіcators, labor remuneratіon, center of responsіbіlіty, personalіzatіon of results 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 658:38.48:658.310.8; JEL L83, L86, M30, O31
Harasymlyuk, M. V., Nahulyak, A. B., & Trots, Yu. T. (2022). Shlyakhy udoskonalennya upravlins'kykh rishen' ta osuchasnennya komunikatsiynoyi polityky turystychnoho pidpryyemstva [Ways to improve decision-making and upgrade the communication policy of a tourist enterprise]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 106 (4), 72-80. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 14

The article addresses the urgent issue of how to improve the decision-making and upgrade the communication policy of a tourist enterprise. The decision-making practice and the organization of communication in an operating travel agency are analyzed. The article determines that the rationality of management decisions is ensured by the consideration of alternative options for problem-solving. It reveals that a travel agency was one of the industry leaders in Ukraine in the pre-crisis period but suffered considerable losses in the pandemic restrictions and especially due to the war. The need for significant improvement in decision-making practices is emphasized. The article recommends reconsideration of approaches to personnel management and its motivation and the use of personnel management concept based on continuous learning and personal development. The personnel development cost is suggested to be considered as a long-term investment in achieving the development goals of a travel agency. The managerial role of a director stipulates monitoring and evaluation of significant flows of internal information to prevent mistakes in the work of managers and ensure optimal distribution of the manager’s efforts. The importance of the structural organization of information flows for the use of a systemic approach to making the right managerial decision by an enterprise’s manager is emphasized. The article recommends the use of communication as the main functional tool for ensuring the activity of personnel, setting specific tasks, and specifying their sequence. Recommendations for goods diversification, namely the introduction of tourist destinations grounded on the concepts of cultural and creative tourism are offered. The need for intensive integration with digital communication to inform a wide audience of the information society on a travel agency and its services is identified. The article suggests upgrades in the communication policy of an enterprise through its digitalization, virtualization, the introduction of the technology of online communication in social networks, and the development of an efficient model of online communication marketing. Further studies are suggested to be focused on the issues of control over the efficiency of managerial decisions and communication practices and the development of the marketing activity of an enterprise. 
tourism enterprise, innovation, management solutions, communications, information, digital technologies 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 658:330.341.1:338.26"405"; JEL F17, M20, O32
Harasymlyuk, M. V., & Zapyshna, A. S. (2022). Formuvannya innovatsiynoyi stratehiyi rozvytku pidpryyemstva [Formation of the innovative strategy for the development of the enterprise]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 118-125. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The article examines the topical issue of effective elaboration of an innovative strategy for an operating trade enterprise and provides recommendations for its improvement. The efficiency of marketing research on the market of construction and finishing materials is analyzed, the goal of innovative renewal of the enterprise is determined, and the stages of elaboration, implementation, and analysis of relevant strategies are studied. Strategic management of innovative development is a dynamic response to the growth of market uncertainty. It allows choosing the best areas of activity and obtaining additional profits due to the disclosure of one’s own material resources and human capital. In this case, innovative strategies can be considered a perfect tool for business development, which indicates the importance of researching the chosen issue. The article shows that the Lviv trade enterprise TzOV “Kolir Bud” specialized in the wholesale trade of wood, building materials, and sanitary equipment, which positions itself as a company prioritizing an individual approach to each customer, successfully elaborates innovative strategies, effectively uses the results of market research, and analyzes the latest developments of manufacturers. The strategy chosen by the enterprise is proven to ensure its sustainable development when strategic management of innovations is oriented towards the achieving of future market advantages. Innovative strategies are elaborated at the enterprise with the aim to improve products, expand the range of services, and develop new models for end-users service using a personal approach to their requests. The planning of innovative strategies includes calculations of economic efficiency and generally aims to map an effective assortment policy, ensuring the proper level of customer service, maximizing profit, minimizing the level of risks, and ensuring sustainable growth of the enterprise’s capitalization. The selected innovative strategy can be considered a defensive one because it is primarily aimed at preserving the company’s stable market position. At the same time, the article reveals the problems related to innovative strategy elaboration, including the lack of feedback on the personnel development strategy and contradictions with operational needs regarding resource-saving. 
trade enterprise, market, strategy, innovation, competition, resources, sustainable development 

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