Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Hlushchenko Oleksandr Ivanovych

Hlushchenko Oleksandr Ivanovych

Ph.D. of Economics

Assistant of the Department of personnel management and labor economics of the Poltava University of Economics and Trade



Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 658.310.8.003.13:631.11(477.53)
Hlushchenko, O. I. (2015). Stratehiya zabezpechennya efektyvnosti vykorystannya upravlins'koho personalu torhovel'nykh pidpryyemstv spozhyvchoyi kooperatsiyi Poltavs'koho rehionu [Strategy of ensuring of the efficient use of management personnel of trade enterprises of consumer cooperation in the Poltava region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 78(4). [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 2

The objectives of management personnel at the state level nave been defined such as the creation of the national human resources management system and its components; development and implementation of the monitoring system of human development; legalization of the labour market and remuneration of labour; establishment of systems and technologies to attract investment in human development; improvement of the national system of professional training. The level of management supply of trade enterprises of Poltava region consumer cooperatives to form the strategy for its effective use has been investigated. The ranging of trade enterprises of consumer cooperatives by the average level of management supply in trade, personnel, economic and accounting services has been made. District consumer union leaders and district consumer union outsiders by average level of management supply have been defined. Grouping and regionalization of trade enterprises of Poltava region consumer cooperatives by the level of management supply (depending on a rank) have been made: high level, average level, below average level and low level of management supply. The following directions for increasing effectiveness of management use of trade enterprises have been developed: a comprehensive integrated assessment of effectiveness of management use of trade enterprise using the integral indicator; development of strategies to ensure effective use of management personnel of trade enterprises on the basis of competence; optimization of the qualitative and organizational structure of management personnel; formation of an effective management team; diagnostics of trade enterprises readiness to introduce strategic personnel management; establishment of dependence of wages on the performance results of trade enterprises; formation of investment directions in development of management personnel. The general model of the strategy for ensuring effectiveness of management use of trade enterprises on the basis of competence has been developed; it assumes setting the strategic goal of trade enterprises’ performance; consideration of internal and external factors affecting effectiveness of management use; formation of qualitative and organizational structure of management personnel; determination and assessment of competences based on professional qualification structure of management personnel and the stage of employees’ career development and the life cycle of the trade enterprise; development of management personnel competencies. The hierarchical structure of management competences of trade enterprises has been identified; it involves certain competences in the following groups such as professional, role, functional, strategic and key ones. The model of priority competencies for managers of trade enterprises of Poltava region consumer cooperatives which involves building a matrix of competencies from all five groups identified by the method of expert evaluations has been proposed. 
management personnel, strategy of effectiveness ensuring for management personnel use, competence, competences model 

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