Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Hulevych Olena Yuriyivna

Hulevych Olena Yuriyivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of economics and entrepreneurship of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit




Repository of Institute of Regional Research Hulevych, O. Yu. (2010). Sfera posluh v suchasniy ekonomitsi: faktory rozvytku ta rehional'ni osoblyvosti [Services in Modern Economy: Development Factors and Regional Variations]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 58(4), 120-125. [in Ukrainian]. 

The rules of service sector establishing as well as relationship between the development of service sector and the level of national economy development are defined; the factors of services sector development from the perspective of material production and in terms of changes in economic behaviour of households are considered; the role of services in modern economy, in particular, as an important sector of national and world economy, as the factor of human capital formation, quality of life standards and maintenance of economic growth and competitiveness is substantiated; the impact of globalization on integration of services into the world space is explained; the features of services development in Ukraine in general and in its regions are outlined. 
services, service sector, factors of services development, material production, volume of provided services per capita 

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