Associate Professor of the Department of management of organizations of the Lviv Polytechnic National University; Senior Researcher of the Department of spatial development of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
The course and consequences of any shock is uncertain in both space and time. However, the emergence of threats and risks affects all spheres of life of a society in one way or another. At the same time, the socio-demographic sphere is a driver of the resilience capacity of the country’s socio-economic system, and, on the other hand, its qualitative characteristics are the result of the resilience of this system. Continuous regulation and efficient management of socio-demographic processes in society increase the resilience capacity of the country’s socio-economic system in the face of a global shock or threat. Meanwhile, the main public interest is to ensure the safety of each individual and well-being and stability of institutions that guarantee democracy, security, and sustainable development of society. An important indicator of the resilience capacity of Ukraine’s socio-economic system in shocks is the population’s savings. They provide insurance coverage for individuals in case of unforeseen events and contribute to the improvement of living standards. At the same time, rising income and wealth inequality, especially in times of crisis, weakens social resilience by reducing social cohesion in the long run. The socio-demographic resilience of a country can be strengthened or weakened depending on the specifics of a particular shock. The study argues that in the context of crises and threats faced by our country in recent years, the following socio-demographic characteristics weakened the resilience capacity of the socio-economic system of Ukraine the most: unbalanced socio-demographic structure of the society; high level of external and internal migration; a low share of household and business savings in their total income; the illegalization of the economy in general and the labor market in particular, the prevalence of informal employment, low wages and social protection. Today, in the context of the temporal and spatial uncertainty of a full-scale war, it is necessary to continue research on socio-demographic resilience as a strategy, the original cause of the return of people from abroad to Ukraine, and a deterrent to migration from Ukraine in the future. It is a key driver for building the resilience capacity of the country’s socio-economic system and strengthening the proactive position of authorities at various levels on IDP issues, increasing social cohesion, civic engagement, and volunteerism.
resilience of a system, resilience of a socio-economic system, socio-demographic dimension, capacity of socio-economic resilience
The intrinsic characteristic of the interaction between the agricultural sector and domestic market is defined. The empirical testing of the structure of the modern competitive agricultural market is carried out. The use of Dickey-Fuller stationarity test facilitated doing complex research of the nature of interdependence and factors of the agricultural sector development of the national economy. The dominants of macro-economic and non-price instruments to stimulate the agricultural sector of the national economy are systematized. The priority directions to support the competitiveness of the agricultural sector and domestic market are offered.
domestic market, agricultural sector, national economy, agricultural production
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Mulska, O. P., Baraniak, I. Ye., Ivaniuk, U. V., & Kolosinska, M. I. (2019). Sotsial’no-demohrafichni chynnyky ta mihratsiyni protsesy naselennya Karpats’koho rehionu [Socio-demographic factors and migration processes of the population in the carpathian region]. Efektyvna ekonomika – Efective economy, 11. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2022.04.050.007}
Vasyltsiv, T. H., Ivanyuk, U. V., & Bespalyuk, Kh. M. (2023). Formuvannya modeli upravlinnya zminamy v sferi rozvytku sotsial'noho zhytlovoho fondu Ukrayiny [Formation of a change management model in the development of social housing in Ukraine]. Akademichni viziyi – Academic visions, 15. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.03.072.002}