Ukraine has no regional budget strategy that would be, on the one hand, based on the principles of financial science, and on the other hand would take into account the domestic national, historical, natural, geographical and economic features of the regions, traditions and mentality of the population. In general the current regional budget policy is not supporting quality performance of its functions by the local authorities and is not ensuring a proper level of welfare of citizens. Therefore the topic of this scientific research happens to be very relevant in the modern world. This article aims to evaluate the modern concepts of regional budget policy in Ukraine and determine the prospects of its development in terms of fiscal decentralization. In the process of this research it is concluded that the sense of the regional budget policy is to determine the course, directions and objectives for the activities of state and local governments in area of the budgetary funds formation and use. This study pays particular attention to the fact that the regional budget policy strategy includes regional budget strategy and regional budget tactics. Strategic performance indicators of the abovementioned types of effective regional budget policy can be used for making tactical and strategic management decisions and developing actions, plans and programs for the next periods in some regions. This study proposes to include the following into the perspective directions of forming a regional budget strategy: elaboration of strategic model of the regions’ development; budget restructuring and transformation of the budgetary resources into the working factor of the effective socially-oriented economic growth of the regions; transition to long-term and medium-term budget planning, programming and forecasting; introduction of highly efficient system for the financial equalization of the territories. This study recommends to implement the following measures for the improvement and development of the regional budget tactics: reform of the system of regional budget planning; formation of an effective system of assessing the effectiveness of budget funds use; achievement of full transparency in the formation and execution of local budgets of all levels; review and improvement of the mechanism of inter-budgetary relations, which should be aimed at strengthening the own revenue base of local budgets by decentralization of state budgetary resources and significant improvement of the financial equalization system for territories.
The necessity to change the philosophy of personal income taxation in Ukraine in context of transition from individual income taxation to family income taxation is considered. The basic stages of income taxation reform in the light of advanced foreign experience are proposed.
individual income taxation, tax-free allowance, progressive scale of taxation, French model of family income taxation
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