Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Korenyako Mariya Hennadiyivna

Korenyako Mariya Hennadiyivna

Specialist at the Department of fight against poverty and economic management of the World Bank Ukraine Office (Kyiv)



Repository of Institute of Regional Research Korenyako, M. G. (2008). Munitsypal'ni zapozychennya yak instrument pidtrymky ekonomichnoho rozvytku rehioniv [Municipal Borrowings as an Instrument of Supporting Regional Economic Growth]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 50(4), 32-37. [in Ukrainian]. 

The sources of financing of local infrastructure by the issue of local state bonds as alternative to the bank and budgetary financing are examined. An assessment of current status of municipal borrowings market in Ukraine has been carried out. Risks and benefits analysis of local borrowings based on the experience of other middle-income countries has been conducted. 
municipal borrowings, municipal bonds, domestic debt, fiscal policy 

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