Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Koryahina Sofiya Vasylivna

Koryahina Sofiya Vasylivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of marketing of the Lviv University of Trade and Economics




Dmytriv Anna Yaroslavivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.1: [37.07:005.33]: 378.1
Dmytriv, A. Y, & Koryahina, S. V. (2012). Instrumenty otsinky prestyzhnosti vyshchoho navchal'noho zakladu (na prykladi doslidzhennya VNZ L'vivs'koho rehionu) [Instruments of Higher Educational Establishment`s Prestige Estimation (on the Example of High School Institutions in the Lviv Region)]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 66(4), 180-187. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

The place of the factor of higher educational establishment`s prestige in the process of choosing the university is estimated. The method of higher educational establishment`s prestige estimation on the basis of marketing research is offered. The reason-consequence relations between the cost of studies and enrolment on the 1st course as basis for the prestige estimation are investigated. The importance of prestige estimation for marketing conception development in high school management is stressed. 
higher education, higher educational establishment, prestige, marketing researches, survey, cost of studies, marketing concept 

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