Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Kukharska Nataliya Oleksandrivna

Kukharska Nataliya Oleksandrivna

Doctor of Economics

Senior Researcher of the Department of social and economic development of the seaside regions of the Institute of Market and Economic & Ecological Researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Professor of the Department of general economic theory of the Odesa National Economic University



Vorozheykin Oleksiy Oleksandrovych


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.3:339.562:[338.43+338.439](477.74)
Kukharska, N. O., & Vorozheykin, O. O. (2012). Obgruntuvannya rozvytku importozaminyuyuchykh vyrobnytstv u rehioni (na prykladi sil's'koho hospodarstva ta kharchovoyi promyslovosti Odes'koyi oblasti) [Justification of the development of import substitution industries in the region (for example, agriculture and food industry Odesa region)]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 64(2), 48-54. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

Import of agriculture and food industry products in Odesa region for the period of 2003–2010 is monitored. The structural and logical schemes by «[raw materials -> products] – by-product» directions for the targeted identification of potential import substitution industries in the region are proposed and justified. 
import of goods, production of goods, import substitution industries 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Kukharska, N. O. (2011). Perspektyvni napryamky formuvannya klasteriv u systemi sotsial'no-ekonomichnoho rozvytku rehionu (na prykladi Odes'koho rehionu) [Perspective Directions of Clusters Forming in the System of Regional Socio-Economic Development (by the Example of Odessa Region)]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 59(1), 14-22. [in Ukrainian]. 

Social and economic development of Odessa region by the types of economic activities during the period of 2002-2008 is examined on the basis of the following indicators: volume of output, gross added value, new capital assets installation, investment in fixed assets, quantity of entities in the Single state registry of enterprises and organizations in Ukraine, demand for labour force and average monthly nominal wages. The methodical approach to determination of the most perspective types of economic activity is improved. The feasibility of cluster structures setting up by the abovementioned types of economic activity with the purpose of competitiveness and regional socio-economic development improvement is declared. 
types of economic activity, indicators of socio-economic development, clusters 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.9(477.74)
Kukharska, N. O. (2008). Orhanizatsiya ta rozvytok transkordonnoho spivrobitnytstva v yevrorehioni Nyzhniy Dunay [Organization and Development of Transborder Cooperation in the Euroregion "Lower Danube"]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 47(1), 13-23. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

Such concepts like «transfrontal relations» and «Euroregion» are examined in the article. The aims of creation of the European region «Lower Danube» are specified. Conception of the program of development of transfrontal relations is offered in the framework of the European region «Lower Danube». 
transfrontal relations, Euroregion, border-line activity, European region «Lower Danube», conception of the program of development of transfrontal relations 


Kukharska, N. O. (2014). Rozvytok rynkiv faktoriv vyrobnytstva yak mekhanizm pidvyshchennya kapitalizatsiyi rehioniv Ukrayiny [Development of markets of factors of production as a mechanism for increasing capitalization of regions of Ukraine]. Aktual’ni problemy ekonomiky – Actual Problems of Economics, 9, 248-256. Retrieved fromРозвиток%20ринків%20факторів%20виробництва%20як%20механізм%20підвищення%20капіталізації%20регіонів%20України.pdf [in Ukrainian]. {re2018.04.049.002}

Kuharskaya, N. A. (2014). Gosudarstvennaya politika povysheniya kapitalizatsii regionov Ukrainy (na primere yuzhnogo regiona strany – Ukrainskogo Prichernomor’ya) [State policy of increasing the capitalization of the regions of Ukraine (on the example of the southern region of the country – the Ukrainian Black Sea Coast)]. Lambert Academic Publishing. Retrieved fromГосударственная%20политика%20повышения%20капитализации%20регионов%20Украины%20%28на%20примере%20Южного%20региона%20страны%20–%20Украинского%20Причерноморья%29.pdf [in Russian]. {re2018.04.049.003}

Kukharskaya, N. A. (2014). Strategirovaniye sotsial’no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya regiona kak novyy podkhod k razrabotke i realizatsii strategiy regíonal’nogo razvitiya [Strategic socio-economic development of the region as a new approach to the development and implementation of strategies for regional development]. In Sotsial’no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine]: Vol. 3(107). Rehional'na polityka v Ukrayini: suchasnyy stan ta shlyakhy aktyvizatsiyi [Regional policy in Ukraine: current state and ways of activation] (pp. 22-28). [in Russian]. {re2020.04.115.016}

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