Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Martusenko Iryna Valeriyivna

Martusenko Iryna Valeriyivna

Ph.D. of Geography, Associate Professor

Deputy Director, Associate Professor of the Department of economics of enterprises and corporations of the Vinnytsia Academic Institute of Economics of Ternopil National Economic University




Pohrishchuk Borys Vasyl'ovych


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.43:332.1, JEL R11, Q19
Pohrishchuk, B. V., & Martusenko, I. V. (2016). Bioekonomichni faktory rozvytku APK rehionu [Green economic factors of agricultural development in the region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 81(3), 98-106. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The research of bio-economic factors of agricultural development in the region constitutes scientific and practical interest, because they are not only the main condition, the driving force, the reason of green economic processes in the development of the agricultural sector. Bio-economic factors are considered today as an alternative to the existing factors of economic sectors development. The analysis of bio-economic factors of agricultural development in Vinnitsa region and outlining the realities of regional AIC on bio-economic basis are the objectives this study. The systematic approach and methods of factor analysis are used in this study.
The article is dedicated to investigation of bio-economic factors of agriculture development at regional level. The system of such factors is nowadays the precondition of creating in Ukraine of not only efficient agriculture operating on bio-economy basis but also environmentally friendly modern competitive economy – bio-economy. The article proves that the Vinnitsa region has considerable bio-economy potential for further development of the agricultural sector, especially in biomass. This way of functioning is defined as promising. Bio-economy principles of the national economy functioning in Ukraine will provide for the restoration of the biological value of natural resources and their rational use, greening agriculture, increase of the energy potential of the territory on bio-economic basis, large-scale use of renewable energy and biomass, recycling of natural resources, the development of biotechnology.
The development of bio-economy combined with a policy of «three i» (innovations, investments, integration) will allow Ukraine and its regions to improve the management of their own renewable biological resources and to open new and various markets of food and bio-products, with agro-industrial complex playing a leading role. 
green economy, bio-economy, agriculture of region, bio economic factors, biotechnology, biomass, agricultural sector 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.1:[61+91](477.44)
Martusenko, I. V. (2012). Medyko-heohrafichne rayonuvannya terytoriyi Vinnyts'koyi oblasti [Medical-Geographical Division of the Territory of Vinnytsya Region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 65(3), 49-56. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

Territorial differentiation of the processes of the medical service of the region is presented. The principles, criteria and indices of medical-geographical division are designated. The elements of territorial structure of regional medical complex are defined and basic conditions for conducting the medical-geographical division of Vinnytsya region are outlined. The peculiarities of development of the medical-geographical areas of Vinnytsya region are determined. 
medical-geographical region, regional medical complex, medical-geographical conditions, the center of medical service 

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