Ohorodnyk Vira VolodymyrivnaPh.D. of Economics
Doctoral Postgraduate of the Department of economics and management of the University of Banking
Contacts: vera_ubs@ukr.net, v_ogorodnyk@ukr.net
UDC 336.71:[336.77+330.322] Ohorodnyk, V. V. (2012). Kredytno-investytsiyna diyal'nist' bankiv Ukrayiny za umov finansovoyi nestabil'nosti ta faktory vplyvu na neyi [Credit and Investment Banking Activities in Ukraine in Terms of Financial Instability and Factors that Influence them]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 63(1), 161-169. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 14
Danylyshyn, B. M., Shevchenko, O. V., & Ohorodnyk, V. V. (2023). Mihratsiya ta poyava bizhentsiv z Ukrayiny: naukovi pidkhody ta metodychnyy instrumentariy do usunennya nehatyvnykh naslidkiv [Migration and the emergence of refugees from Ukraine: scientific approaches and methodological tools to eliminate negative consequences]. In Vcheni zapysky [Scientific Notes]: Vol. 33(4) (pp. 274-284). DOI: https://doi.org/10.33111/vz_kneu. [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.005.007}