Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Palyanychko Nina Ivanivna

Palyanychko Nina Ivanivna

Doctor of Economics

Head of the Department of forecasting of budget programs and financial support of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine




Repository of Institute of Regional Research Palianychko, N. I. (2010). Ekoloho-ekonomichna otsinka vykorystannya zemel' sil's'kohospodars'koho pryznachennya [Ecological and Economic Evaluation of Agricultural Lands Use]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 56(2), 111-117. [in Ukrainian]. 

Elements of theory of ecological and economic evaluation of agricultural lands use are developed. The type of the law on gross output agricultural production index distribution as one of the basic economic criterion of land use evaluation, which enables determination of the character of mechanism of its index statistical population forming and prognosis of its change under condition of alteration of ecological or economic factor, is established. The degree of relation between statistical characteristics of ecological and economic criteria of land use is evaluated. 
evaluation, criterion, distribution law, land 

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