Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Polinskyy Oleksandr Markovych

Polinskyy Oleksandr Markovych

Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of electronic economics and economic cybernetics of the National Technical University Dnipro Polytechnic




Repository of Institute of Regional Research Polinskyi, O. M. (2011). Identyfikatsiya ta otsinka ekonomichnykh ryzykiv innovatsiynoyi diyal'nosti v mashynobuduvanni [Identification and Estimation of Innovative Activity Economic Risks in Engineering]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 61(3), 80-88. [in Ukrainian]. 

The new classifier of risks is offered for innovative projects. A purpose of identification of innovative risk is presented as an exposure of increased risk areas for the estimation of risk degree, acceptability analysis of corresponding risk level for an enterprise, development at a necessity of the measures on prevention or decline of risk and, in the case when a risk event took place, introduction of measures on a maximally possible compensation of the caused damage. 
risk, project, index, economy 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Polinskyi, O. M. (2010). Faktornyy analiz prybutkiv komertsiynykh bankiv [The Factor Analysis of Commercial Banks Incomes]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 55(1), 99-106. [in Ukrainian]. 

The new models of commercial banks percent incomes and percent charges factor analysis are offered. Analysis purpose is a bank activity potential backlogs of profitability growth exposure. On the basis of associate parameters quantitative estimation, rendering decision influence on the size of profits, the bank management is provided by a tool which allows to accept optimum decisions on maximization of concrete bank establishment cost. These percent charges analysis methods is necessary to use for the analysis of charges on the physical and legal persons deposits, percent charges on securities, produced by a bank. 
analysis, income, backlogs, percents 

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