Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Porodko Yuriy Mykolayovych

Porodko Yuriy Mykolayovych

Postgraduate, Assistant of the Department of economics and human resources management of the Lviv Academic Institute of University of Banking



Repository of Institute of Regional Research Porodko, Yu. M. (2011). Systema ekonomichnykh vidnosyn pry instytutsiynomu investuvanni [System of Economic Relations in Terms of Institutional Investment]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 59(1), 101-108. [in Ukrainian]. 

The essence of existent scientific approaches to functioning of institutional investors and their structure is outlined. Increasing role of institutional investment in current terms of management is substantiated. The basic functions of investment investors in distributing economic relations are analyzed. The essence of general and determining principle for institutional investors of «collective individualism» is examined. General features and principles of institutional investors, which characterize their differences in comparison to the individual investment, are presented. 
investment banker, institutional investing, investment fund, financial assets, securities 

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