Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Reutov Viktor Yevhenovych

Reutov Viktor Yevhenovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Director, Head of the Department of international economics of the Crimean Economic Institute of the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman




Repository of Institute of Regional Research Reutov, V. Ye. (2010). Kontseptsiya transformatsiyi rehional'noyi konkurentospromozhnosti [Conception of the Regional Competitiveness Transformation]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 58(4), 17-24. [in Ukrainian]. 

Definition of «regional competitiveness» is given. Main conceptions of regional competitiveness are analyzed. Conception of regional economy competitiveness transformation is outlined and a new regional paradigm – the region as an I-centre (investment, innovations, intellect and information) – is proposed. The fact that the I-centres are the generators of new competitive advantages in the conditions of informative society development and knowledge-based economy is proven. Basic methodical approaches to estimation of the regional competitiveness are analyzed. 
regional competitiveness, competitiveness of national economy, regional transformations, knowledge-based economy 

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