Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Shevchenko Olha Valeriyivna

Shevchenko Olha Valeriyivna

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher

Head of Sector of the Sector of regional development strategies of the Department of regional development of the National Institute for Strategic Studies in Ukraine; Professor of the Department of regional studies and tourism of the Kyiv National Economic University n.a. Vadym Hetman




Varnaliy Zakhariy Stepanovych


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.2:332.1/332.14; JEL R12, R58, H10, H70
Varnaliy, Z. S., & Shevchenko, O. V. (2021). Metodolohichnyy pidkhid do rozroblennya kontseptual'nykh zasad shchodo stratehichnoho rehulyuvannya dysproportsiy rozvytku rehioniv [Methodological approach to the development of conceptual frameworks for strategic regulation of regional development disparities]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 101 (3), 5-14. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 21

The article forms a methodological approach to the development of conceptual foundations for strategic regulation of disparities in the social and economic development of regions. Based on the proof of a need to use the positive characteristics of disparities, the goals of their strategic regulation are determined. The article argues that through the regulation of disparities, it is possible to achieve both the maximum positive effect (in particular, change the redistribution of investment in favor of weaker regions) and the minimum negative effect (reduce the scale of disparities in social and economic indicators, decrease the cost of certain measures, which change the disparities’ indices). The key features for constructing the concept of disparities regulation are determined. The concept of strategic regulation of regional development disparities is formed, which is based on a gradual replacement of the paradigm of overcoming disparities by the paradigm of their effective use. A methodological synergetic activity approach for the development of conceptual bases for strategic regulation of disparities is proposed. It is based on a combination of the use of a synergetic approach to the assessment and systematization of disparities and streamlining the activities of institutions that shape the policy of disparities regulation. The activities of stakeholders in the strategic management of disparities create a synergistic effect to improve the quality of strategic management of disparities. The developed concept of strategic regulation of disparities in regional development is the basis for the formation of a coherent system of principles, methods, and functions for further quantitative measurement, evaluation, interpretation, and modeling the disparities in the social and economic development of regions and the elaboration of a practical mechanism for strategic regulation of regional disparities. The obtained results can be used by local authorities in developing the regional development strategies. 
region, disparities in regional development, investment resources, local budget, regional development strategy, concept for regulating of disparities in regional development 


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