Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Snihova Olena Yuriyivna

Snihova Olena Yuriyivna

Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor

Senior Researcher of the Department of economic growth and structural changes of the Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine




Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC [332.14:553.94]:330.354:502.15; JEL L50, L52, O18, O20, R58
Snihova, O. Yu. (2024). Vuhil'ni hromady yak terytoriyi z osoblyvymy umovamy dlya rozvytku: stvorennya tochok zrostannya v protsesi dekarbonizatsiyi [Coal communities as the territories with special conditions for development: creation of growth points in the process of decarbonization]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 114 (4), 30-38. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 22

The article is devoted to the revealing of imperative requirements for the renovation of economic structure of coal-extracting territories, and to the elaboration of the recommendations to expand the opportunities of growth points’ creation in their economies in the conditions of limitations of economic potential engagement due to the obligations to decarbonize industrial activity. Based on the analysis of modern approaches to strengthening the development of coal-extracting territories, are revealed the need to combine the tools of regional, structural, sectorial, climate policies in the process of structural reconstruction of the economy of coal-extracting regions, and to engage the end-to-end mechanism of just transition without taking into account the attribution to any functional type of territories. The requirements are outlined for the economic structure of coal-extracting territories, relaunched due to the obligations to decarbonize the economic activity. The prospective is demonstrated to realize the economic potential of coal-extracting communities in the context of economic growth points’ creation based on cross-sectoral non-fuel usage of coal at the innovative basis. The opportunity is grounded to attribute the coal-extracting communities as the territories with special conditions for development due to the limitations of their development potential engagement caused by the obligations to cancel coal usage as the fuel. The need is proved to adapt the mechanism of just transition to be employed at the territories of recovery taken into account the level of infrastructure destruction. The recommendations are elaborated to expand the opportunities to create the growth points of the economy of coal-extracting communities in the conditions of limited engagement of their endogenous economic potential, in particular: avoiding the application of typical approaches to structural changes’ vectors at coal-extracting territories, and enhancing the role of industry in their economic structure; synchronization of just transition with the formulation of key features of the post-war model of economic development of Ukraine; creation of Just Transition Fund based on the European experience of just transition activity financing; updating the legislative basis of regulation of the problems of coal-extracting regions’ just transition. 
coal-extracting regions, state regional policy, functional types of territories, growth points, recovery, just transition 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.341:332.021; JEL R28, R50, O10, O18
Snihova, O. Yu. (2019). Otsinyuvannya perspektyv zabezpechennya inklyuzyvnoho rozvytku v protsesi realizatsiyi derzhavnoyi rehional'noyi polityky [Assessment of inclusive development perspectives in the process of realization of state regional policy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 92 (2), 10-17. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 27

The necessity to take into account the inclusive development principles in forming and realization of state regional policy is explained. The directions of the researches of inclusive development issues mostly widespread in Ukraine and in the world are studied, namely the generalization of theoretical and methodological basis of inclusive development and grounding of the national state policy of inclusive growth. Traditionally most developed are the problems of poverty overcoming and reducing the gap between different strata of population, widening the opportunities of efficient redistribution and poverty reduction promotion, as well as involvement of isolated groups of people into social and economic processes as objective components of inclusive development. Special attention is paid to the lack of theoretical studies and practical results of inclusiveness principles’ implication for the solving of tasks of regional socio-economic development based on structural changes, in particular, diversification. The author proves that the diversification of regional economy holds a significant potential for the realization of inclusive development goals. The legislative basis in the sphere of public regional management is analyzed in order to estimate the diversification prospective for the economies of regions of Ukraine. The paper reveals the insufficient orientation of state regional policy on the overcoming of narrow specialization of regions of Ukraine and, thus, its inclusive development. The limited concentration of state regional policy on the solving of problems of inclusiveness through only rural territories’ diversification is determined. The proposals to improve the state policy of regional development based on the implementation of inclusive development principles – using the potential of territorial socio-economic integration and diversification of regions’ economy – are suggested. This suggests the stimulation of: integrative role of the cities as economic and social development centers; development/improvement of interregional cooperation, creation of conditions for regions’ cooperation; strengthening of interregional connections; improvement of the access to populated regions; formation and development of new, unconventional for forms of economic activity in economic structure of regions; ecologization of economic activity; development of services sector with the specific accent on socially important ones; renovation of the specialization of regional economy. Due to the strong structural heterogeneity of regional space of the country, the author emphasizes the necessity of differentiated approach to each of the regions based on the accurate determination of the types of their economies’ structure and its grouping based on this criterion. 
region, inclusive development, diversification, state strategy of regional development 


Snihova, O. Yu. (2018). Rozkryttya potentsialu smart·spetsializatsiyi dlya podolannya rehional'noyi strukturnoyi inertnosti v Ukrayini [Disclosure of the potential of smart specialization to overcome regional structural inertia in Ukraine]. Ekonomika Ukrayiny – Economy of Ukraine, 8, 75-88. [in Ukrainian]. {re2018.02.039.001}

Danylyshyn, B. M., & Snihova, O. Yu. (2019). Formuvannya modeli ekonomichnoho rozvytku Donbasu v umovakh stanovlennya novoyi rehional’noyi polityky [Formation of Donbass economic development model in the conditions of formation of new regional policy]. Kyiv: Publishing House Polytechnic of KPI n.a. Igor Sikorsky. [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.04.169.001}

Zhalilo, Ya., A., Zhuk, V. I., & Snihova, O. Yu., et al. (2017). Nova rehional’na polityka dlya novoyi Ukrayiny [A new regional policy for a new Ukraine]: Analytical report K.: Institute of Socio-Economic Research. [in Ukrainian]. {re2020.01.172.006}

Snihova, O. Yu. (2018). Rozkryttya potentsialu smart-spetsializatsiyi dlya podolannya rehional’noyi strukturnoyi inertnosti v Ukrayini [Smart specialization potential revealing for the overcoming of regional structural inertness in ukraine]. Ekonomika Ukrayiny – Economy of Ukraine, 8 (681), 75-87. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.03.046.007}

Snihova, O. Yu. (2020). Prostorovyy vymir inklyuzyvnosti v umovakh stanovlennya «novoyi» rehional’noyi polityky [The spatial dimension of inclusivity under conditions of «new» regional policy formation]. Ukrayins’kyy heohrafichnyy zhurnal – Ukrainian Geographical Journal, 2, 38-44. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.01.005.003}

Snihova, O. (2023, Aug 12). Spravedlyva transformatsiya i vuhil’na promyslovist’: yevropeys’ki trendy ta ukrayins’ki realiyi [Just transition and coal industry: European trends and Ukrainian realities]. Website. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.030.002}

Snihova, O. Yu. (2024). Shchodo investytsiynykh peredumov spravedlyvoyi transformatsiyi terytorial’nykh hromad L’vivs’ko-Volyns’koho vuhil’noho baseynu [On investment premises of just transition of territorial communities of Lviv-Volyn coal basin]. In Hlobalizatsiya ta rozvytok innovatsiynykh system: tendentsiyi, vyklyky, perspektyvy [Globalization and development of innovational systems: trends, challenges, perspectives]: Proceedings of the II International scientific and practical conference (pp. 169-171). Kharkiv: State Biotechnological University. [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.030.004}

Snihova, O. (2024, Jan 20). Na shlyakhu dekarbonizatsiyi uspikh harantuye poyednannya kreatyvnosti z tekhnolohichnymy rishennyamy [At the way of decarbonization success is granted by combination of creativity and technologic solutions]. Website. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.030.009}

Snihova, O. Yu. (2024). Shchodo investytsiynykh peredumov spravedlyvoyi transformatsiyi terytorial’nykh hromad L’vivs’ko-Volyns’koho vuhil’noho baseynu [Regarding the investment prerequisites for the fair transformation of territorial communities of the Lviv-Volyn coal region]. In Hlobalizatsiya ta rozvytok innovatsiynykh system: tendentsiyi, vyklyky, perspektyvy [Globalization and development of innovational systems: trends, challenges, perspectives]: Proceedings of the II International scientific and practical conference (pp. 169-171). Kharkiv: State Biotechnological University. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.030.014}

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