The necessity to take into account the inclusive development principles in forming and realization of state regional policy is explained. The directions of the researches of inclusive development issues mostly widespread in Ukraine and in the world are studied, namely the generalization of theoretical and methodological basis of inclusive development and grounding of the national state policy of inclusive growth. Traditionally most developed are the problems of poverty overcoming and reducing the gap between different strata of population, widening the opportunities of efficient redistribution and poverty reduction promotion, as well as involvement of isolated groups of people into social and economic processes as objective components of inclusive development. Special attention is paid to the lack of theoretical studies and practical results of inclusiveness principles’ implication for the solving of tasks of regional socio-economic development based on structural changes, in particular, diversification. The author proves that the diversification of regional economy holds a significant potential for the realization of inclusive development goals. The legislative basis in the sphere of public regional management is analyzed in order to estimate the diversification prospective for the economies of regions of Ukraine. The paper reveals the insufficient orientation of state regional policy on the overcoming of narrow specialization of regions of Ukraine and, thus, its inclusive development. The limited concentration of state regional policy on the solving of problems of inclusiveness through only rural territories’ diversification is determined. The proposals to improve the state policy of regional development based on the implementation of inclusive development principles – using the potential of territorial socio-economic integration and diversification of regions’ economy – are suggested. This suggests the stimulation of: integrative role of the cities as economic and social development centers; development/improvement of interregional cooperation, creation of conditions for regions’ cooperation; strengthening of interregional connections; improvement of the access to populated regions; formation and development of new, unconventional for forms of economic activity in economic structure of regions; ecologization of economic activity; development of services sector with the specific accent on socially important ones; renovation of the specialization of regional economy. Due to the strong structural heterogeneity of regional space of the country, the author emphasizes the necessity of differentiated approach to each of the regions based on the accurate determination of the types of their economies’ structure and its grouping based on this criterion.
region, inclusive development, diversification, state strategy of regional development
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