Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Synyayeva Lyudmyla Vasylivna

Synyayeva Lyudmyla Vasylivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Professor of the Department of accounting and taxation of the Melitopol Branch of Zaporizhzhya Institute of Economics and Information Technologies



Repository of Institute of Regional Research Sinyayeva, L. V. (2009). Problemy rehulyuvannya oplaty pratsi ta shlyakhy yikh vyrishennya v Ukrayini [Problems of Labour Payment Adjusting in Ukraine and Ways of Their Solving]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 51(1), 272 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

Problems of remuneration of labour adjusting have been considered in Ukraine from the point of view of wages purchasing power. Negative tendencies in the field of remuneration of labour have been found and it is proved that inspite of positive dynamics of nominal wages growth in Ukraine purchasing power of citizens goes down annually. It is proved that wage levels are formed not according to complication of labour and its productivity, but to industries, especially with a monopolistic slope. The necessity of state interference strengthening into the sphere of wage adjusting with the purpose of standard increase living of workings citizens in Ukraine has been substantiated. 
remuneration of labour, purchasing power 

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