Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Tychkovska Lesya Petrivna

Tychkovska Lesya Petrivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Junior Researcher of the Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of NAS of Ukraine




Pylypiv Vitaliy Volodymyrovych


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.313: 336.051
Pylypiv, V. V., & Tychkovska, L. P. (2013). Finansovyy mekhanizm upravlinnya stalym rozvytkom terytorial'nykh ekonomichnykh system [Financial Mechanism of Management of Territorial Economic Systems Sustainable Development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 68(2), 72-80. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 3

Conceptual bases of management of the capital of territorial economic systems’ sustainable development are exposed. Financial mechanism of sustainable development management and its institutional maintenance is substantiated. The functioning of territorial systems of Ukraine is analyzed and the tendencies of their financial maintenance are revealed. The scheme of project financing of territorial sustainable development and attraction of territorial natural resources into sustainable development projects is proposed. 


Pylypiv, V. V., & Tychkovska, L. P. (2013). Finansovyy mekhanizm upravlinnya stalym rozvytkom terytorial’nykh ekonomichnykh system [Financial mechanism of management of territorial economic systems sustainable development]. Rehional’na economika – Regional economy, 2(68), 72-80. [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.005.004}

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