Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Vilenchuk Oleksandr Mykolayovych

Vilenchuk Oleksandr Mykolayovych

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor, Doctoral Postgraduate of the Department of finance and credit of the Polissia National University




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 368:633/635
Vilenchuk, O. M. (2015). Infrastrukturni instytutsiyi u systemi formuvannya rynku ahrarnoho strakhuvannya v Ukrayini [Infrastructure institutions in the system of agricultural insurance market development in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 76(2), 105-114. [in Ukrainian].

European vector of national economy development causes the necessity of institutionalization of infrastructure elements of agricultural insurance market as a basis for the formation of mutually beneficial relations between the parties of the insurance process. The aim of this article is to outline the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation and operation of infrastructure institutions on agricultural insurance market as a basis for providing the equivalence of insurance interests of its members. A methodological research tool is a systematic method of studying economic phenomena and processes of agricultural insurance market institutional support. The author uses such techniques as induction; deduction; synthesis and comparative analysis to generalize authors’ views on the development of the infrastructure component of the agricultural insurance market on institutional basis. The article reveals positive trends in development of the agricultural market in Ukraine during 2010-2013. The author analyses the regional indicators of crop insurance development in Ukraine during the spring-summer 2013 period. According to statistics for the concluded agricultural insurance contracts and insured areas Vinnitsa, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk and Kirovograd regions take the leading positions. The article proves the necessity of using institutional approach to form modern infrastructure environment in the field of agricultural insurance. The further national agricultural insurance market development depends on the level of its infrastructure support on institutional basis. The article emphasizes the importance of mutually beneficial relations development in the agricultural insurance sector based on the institutionalization of relations between the parties of the insurance process. Moreover the role and importance of insurance intermediaries, public and private institutions in the formation of modern model of agricultural insurance market in Ukraine are studied in the article. The results of the research demonstrate the necessity of forming synergistic effects according to the interaction of the insurance process participants. The synergy effect of infrastructure institutions interaction on agricultural insurance market appears in: increment of signed agricultural insurance contracts; increment of premiums paid amount for the insurance services; enhancement the variety of insurance products for farmers; presence of partial compensation of the insurance premiums farmers cost through the current mechanism of state subsidies, as well as timeliness and completeness of insurance indemnity payment in case of the insured event. Thus, the achievement of the desired effects is possible under the following circumstances: formation of a consolidated system of the insurance process liability, increase of their insurance culture and confidence in insurance trust as a tool to ensure food security. 
institutions; infrastructure; direct and indirect insurance intermediaries; agricultural insurance market 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Vilenchuk, O. M. (2008). Problemy formuvannya ekoloho-ekonomichnoho prostoru v konteksti rehional'noho rozvytku [The Problems of Forming Ecological–and–Economic Space in the Context of Regional Development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 49(3), 42-49. [in Ukrainian]. 

The problems of forming ecological-and-economic space are elucidated proceeding from the interests of regional development. Some ecological problems of Zhytomyr region have been studied and sources of anthropogenic loading on the environment have been found. The comparative analysis of gross regional development with regard to the rates of the region’s airspace pollution has been conducted. The paper substantiates the suggestions concerning the product of the regional ecological-and-economic space in which socio, economic and ecological problems of territories are to be harmonized. 
region, ecological-and-economic space, regional development, economic growth, ecological, safety, sources of pollution, hazardous wastes 

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