Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Zhalilo Yaroslav Anatoliyovych

Zhalilo Yaroslav Anatoliyovych

Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher

Leading Researcher of the Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.14:339.922(477); JEL O18, R13, R58
Zhalilo, Ya. A. (2018). Problemy formuvannya inklyuzyvnoho rozvytku rehioniv Ukrayiny v umovakh yevropeys'koyi intehratsiyi [Problems of inclusive development of regions of Ukraine in the conditions of European integration]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 89 (3), 10-20. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 18

In the article the main factors modifying approaches to the regional development in modern economies and directions of this modification have been determined. The necessity to shift from paternalistic model of regional policy to the creation of “development-friendly” environment in the region, favorable for the inflow and efficient engagement of resources, appropriate for the modern post-industrial economic models is emphasized. The favorability of regional institutional environment creates the opportunities for optimal engagement of resources of the territory, underpinning the appropriate quality of life of the population of the region and paves the way for inclusive development. Conclusions about the increase of efficiency of local communities, and at this basis – the interest of the latter in strategic consistency of the development of regional economic and legal complexes have been made.
The actual challenges for the policy of regional development in Ukraine, caused by the modification of the object of this policy due to the adaptational reactions of the national economy to the complex crisis challenges, influencing directly the structural shifts in the economies of the regions, have been shown. The conclusions over the fact that systemic genesis of the problems of regional development peculiar to Ukraine makes any attempts to solve these problems with the point measures of Government policy ineffective are made. Instead, the main weight in the realization of the strategic tasks of regional development should be put on the creation of the conditions, ensuring resources’ flows structuring at the national level in the way promoting the application optimization of regional development potentials. The main features of “development-friendly” regional economic system have been distinguished. The fact that in order to create the development-friendly environment the measures undertaken at the regional level should be supplemented at the national level with the complementary structural reforms, which simplify the engagement of regional development potential and increase its inclusiveness, has been shown. The list of main reforms has been suggested for Ukraine.
The dependence of local communities’ capacity to take advantage of the positive potential of systemic reforms on its institutional shape has been grounded. The institutional preconditions of local communities’ effectiveness in the creation and realization of the strategies of regions’ development have been discovered as follows: effectiveness of governance, inclusiveness of community development, regional identity perception.
The recommendations concerning the modern methodology of regional development regulation and stimulation in Ukraine have been formulated. In particular, the criteria of economic agents’ support based on positive externalities for spatial development, have been suggested. The necessity to delegate to special financial institutions the authority to manage the centralized resources of regional development and projects selection for financing has been argued. The priorities of program-based solutions in regional development have been determined for main problem macroregions of Ukraine. The directions of improvements in legislation for regional development policy, adapted to European norms and practice, in particular – Ukraine – EU Association Agreement implementation and European Cohesion policy, have been recommended. 
regional development, regional policy, inclusive development, spatial development, sustainable development, State Fund for Regional Development 


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Zhalilo, Ya. A. (2018). Tinyova ekonomika yak «instytutsiyna pastka» na shlyakhu ekonomichnoyi modernizatsiyi [Shadow economy as an «institutional trap» at the path of economic modernization]. Ekonomichna teoriya – Economic theory, 2, 22-40. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.02.186.017}

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Zhalilo, Ya. A. (Ed.), Tyshchuk, T. A., Kharazishvili, Yu. M., & Ivanov, O. V. (2011). Tin’ova ekonomika v Ukrayini: masshtaby ta napryamy podolannya [Shadow economy in Ukraine: scope and directions of overcoming]: Analytical report. Kyiv: NISS. [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.02.093.018}

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