Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Zhurba Inna Oleksandrivna

Zhurba Inna Oleksandrivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of economic theory and banking of the Cherkasy State Technological University




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 334.724(477)
Zhurba, I. O. (2015). Kontseptual'ni zasady ta osnovni napryamy formuvannya klasternoyi polityky v umovakh transformatsiynoyi ekonomiky Ukrayiny [Conceptual foundations and basic directions of cluster policy forming under conditions of transformation of Ukraine’s economy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 77(3). [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 6

World cluster policy in general is recognized as one of the most effective areas of economic policy in the active promotion of regional development and industries. International experience of formation and implementation of cluster policy demonstrates the complexity of the administrative process, its diversity, the presence of both positive and negative symptoms and results. The experience of many countries has been studied systematically in certain areas, analyzed from the standpoint of effective application of management technologies, etc. Both the diversity of approaches to cluster formation and implementation of policies, and the support tools, their institutionalization, reflected in the strategy papers and concepts of development of countries and regions have been outlined. The diversity of views in the understanding and definition of the “cluster” is logical and reasonable from the standpoint of theory and practice. The lack of knowledge of the chosen subject makes the implementation of the cluster concept, strategy and, accordingly, a cluster of regional and national policies complex and versatile. There is a need for further study of the formation and development of the theory, methodology and practice of clusters and its recognition as an element of systemic support and the business tool. The article is to study the conceptual bases and development of the main directions of formation of cluster policy in conditions of economy of Ukraine. In the article the scope of the recognition and implementation of cluster strategies and policies is presented. The problems that prevent the use of cluster technologies are analyzed and highlighted. The dependence between the clustering of economy and quality of life of the general population is shown. The synergy effect in cluster policy as a mechanism of unification of tools, methods, information technology management, investment, innovation, regional, national and sectoral management is examined. The author’s detailed vision of the benefits of clustering taking into account the existing experience of national and foreign clusters, national features of the market environment and its transformation characteristics, diversity of perspectives of industry and other components of national economic competitiveness is given. An advantages of mass clustering process of transformation within the market of Ukraine are listed. Tools and directions of economic competitiveness achievement depend on many factors, including economic growth of a particular country. But the use of cluster models is considered to be the one of the universal means of improving the competitiveness of the economy. That is why in recent years the cluster formation as mechanism for effective management gains more popularity in Ukraine. In terms of new challenges, transformation, increasing competition, implementation and operation of clusters and cluster technology is one of the most promising means to ensure competitiveness of the national and regional economy. In terms of economic transformation and integration into the EU economic reform processes in Ukraine must be accompanied by a new type of relationship between entities and the development of new mechanisms of realization of their economic interests, one of which is the clustering. 
clusters, cluster policy, regional economy, strategy, transformation economy 

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