Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2008.01.013

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 339.9(477.74)
Kukharska, N. O. (2008). Orhanizatsiya ta rozvytok transkordonnoho spivrobitnytstva v yevrorehioni Nyzhniy Dunay [Organization and Development of Transborder Cooperation in the Euroregion "Lower Danube"]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 47(1), 13-23. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 12



Such concepts like «transfrontal relations» and «Euroregion» are examined in the article. The aims of creation of the European region «Lower Danube» are specified. Conception of the program of development of transfrontal relations is offered in the framework of the European region «Lower Danube».


transfrontal relations, Euroregion, border-line activity, European region «Lower Danube», conception of the program of development of transfrontal relations

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