Paliychuk, M. V., Kryzhanivsky, Ye. I., Vytvytsky, Ya. S., & Petrenko, V. P. (2009). Postindustrial'nyy reinzhynirynh rehional'nykh suspil'nykh system [Postindustrial Reengineering of the Regional Public Systems]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 53(3), 264 p. [in Ukrainian].
ResumeWays to adapt and improve the well-known technology of business processes reengineering in relation to regional social systems, peculiarities of the use of this technology have been identified, the concept of post-industrial reengineering have been formulated, and the potential benefits of its use in the practice of region management have been presented.
Keywords:reengineering, business processes, regional public systems, postindustrial reengineering