Skrypchuk, P. M. (2009). Ekolohichna sertyfikatsiya terytorial'no-hospodars'kykh system: kontseptual'ni polozhennya ta ekonomichnyy mekhanizm zaprovadzhennya [Ecological Certification of Territorial Economic Systems: Conceptual Positions and Economic Mechanism of Introduction]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 54(4), 246 p. [in Ukrainian].
ResumeConceptual positions of ecological certification of natural environment objects and territorial economic systems have been presented. Its essence consists in their systematic investigation by procedure of ecological audit, existing and such that it is necessary to develop, legislatively normative documents, international regulations and agreements (laws, standards, norms of ecological safety, indexes of quality of life-support and others). Organizational-economic mechanisms and stages for introduction of ecological certification in the field of nature management and in relation to the territorial economic systems have been elaborated, its actuality and practical meaningfulness has been proved.
Keywords:ecological certification, ecological-economic mechanisms, conceptual positions, territorial economic system