Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2010.01.048

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library Gerasymchuk, Z. V., & Kutsay, N. S. (2010). Problemy ta perspektyvy stanovlennya innovatsiynoho potentsialu v rehionakh Ukrayiny [Problems and Prospects of the Establishment of Innovative Potential in the Regions of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 55(1), 48-52. [in Ukrainian].



The incapability of the country to carry out the structural reconstruction of national economy in accordance with the requirements of new technological paradigm or the delay in implementation of such structural changes not simply restrains its development, but also brings regions over to the economic crisis. For this reason the forming of mechanism of establishment of innovative potential at the regional level is important and urgent. The value of the conducted research is predefined by the necessity of more detailed outline of the integral complex of interdependent and mutual complementary measures on the management of region innovative potential. The drawn conclusions could be useful for understanding of the mechanism of establishment of the regional innovative potential.


potential, innovative potential of region, innovative model of region

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