Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2010.01.240

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library Rumiantseva, H. I. (2010). Do pytannya efektyvnosti funktsionuvannya terytoriy priorytetnoho rozvytku [The Issue of Efficient Functioning of the Priority Development Territories]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 55(1), 240-247. [in Ukrainian].



The theoretical basis of priority development territories (PDT) functioning as the type of special economic zones with the preferential regimen is outlined. The practice of economic entities investment activity of the PDT of Volyn Region is analyzed. On the basis of social and economic efficiency of functioning of the priority development territory created in Volyn region the role of the PDT in development of regional economy and overcoming of problems concerning the necessity of the structural economic reorganization of the problem miner regions is emphasized. The proposals over the efficiency of continuation of the practice of new priority development territories creation in the regions of Ukraine are made.


preferential regimen, special economic zone, priority development territory

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