Yaskal, I. V. (2010). Udoskonalennya metodiv vyznachennya napryamkiv i form vyrobnycho-resursnoyi intehratsiyi u rehioni [Improvement of the Methods of Determining the Directions and Forms of Production and Resource Integration in the Region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 56(2), 23-32. [in Ukrainian].
ResumeThe method of preconditions detection of intra- and inter-regional production and resource integration deepening in Chernivtsi region is presented. Using the mathematical methods (cluster analysis, gravity model, Euclidean distance) the directions of production and resource integration both within the study area (between districts) and between the regions are identified. Economic integration is proposed to be understood as industrial and resource integration in which the exchange of any components of matter, energy and information takes place in the form of directly consumed substances, conditions, features, etc
Keywords:production and resource integration, cluster analysis, Euclidean distance, directions of integration