Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2010.03.085

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library Antonov, V. B. (2010). Otsinka efektyvnosti strukturnykh transformatsiy zaluchennya pryamykh inozemnykh investytsiy v Ukrayini [Evaluation of Structural Transformations Effectiveness of Foreign Investment Attraction in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 57(3), 85-94. [in Ukrainian].



The changes in structure and volume of foreign direct investment in Ukraine by type of economic activity during 2005-2009 years are analyzed. The relationship between the growth of foreign direct investment and the index of gross value added in Ukraine is evaluated. Considering the topicality of structural policy development in the sphere of investment on the basis of national economic priorities and maintenance of state competitiveness in terms of its integration into the global economy, the study of efficiency of structural transformations involving foreign investment was conducted and evaluation of impact the changes in foreign capital structure make on common economic efficiency of investment processes for the Ukrainian economy was conducted.


structural transformation, structural changes, efficiency of foreign investment, species and interregional structure

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