Kozoriz, M. A., & Pushak, Ya. Ya. (2011). Metodychnyy pidkhid do otsinky byudzhetnoho potentsialu rehionu [Methodological Approach to Regional Budgetary Capacity Evaluation]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 61(3), 61-69. [in Ukrainian].
ResumeA synthesis of different approaches to understanding the concept of «budgetary capacity of the region» is conducted. Its structural components are presented as following: budgetary capacity, which forms the revenues component of regional budget, budgetary capacity, which provides revenues for state budget, and reserve capacity that is unused as for now, however, it may be involved in the process of providing regional and state budget with revenues in the future. Methodical approach to monitoring the budgetary potential of the region is proposed. Comparative assessment of the reserve budgetary potentials of the Western regions of Ukraine is conducted. Main reserves, the use of which would significantly increase the budgetary revenue maintenance at different levels, are defined.
Keywords:budgetary capacity, region, gross regional product, budgetary revenue reserves