UDC 332.142.6:330.837:005 Gerasymchuk, Z. V., & Polishchuk, V. H. (2011). Teoretychni osnovy instytutsiynoho zabezpechennya stymulyuvannya staloho rozvytku rehionu [Theoretical Bases of Institutional Support Promoting Sustainable Development of the Region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 62(4), 30-47. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 25
ResumeReviews the main theoretical principles of institutional support to stimulate sustainable development of region. There are institutional features of socio-ecological-economic development of Ukraine. The institutional framework of government policy on transition to sustainable development is defined. The tools that are characteristic of institutional support for stimulation of sustainable development of region.
Keywords:institutional tools stimulation, institutional tools of motivation, institutional support, stimulation of sustainable development of the region, institutions