UDC 339/13:368(477) Shirinyan, L. V. (2011). Spetsyfika i perspektyvy formuvannya rynkovoho popytu na strakhuvannya dlya nezamozhnoho naselennya Ukrayiny [Specifics and Perspectives of the Insurance Market Demand Formation for Low-Income Population of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 62(4), 177-183. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 4
ResumePublic opinion survey among the population with different level of welfare is conducted and the answers to key questions of the questionnaire are analyzed in order to check the operation of the market demand for insurance for the low-income population. Survey found out both positive and negative results. Three hypotheses about existence of correlation between the level of welfare, desired insurance premium and desired insurance compensation are suggested and tested. The fact that in the case of insurance of low-income population the correlation between the desired insurance premium and the desired insurance compensation conforms to the exponential law is proven.
Keywords:market demand for insurance, microinsurance, hypothesis, price, insurance premium, insurance compensation, exponential law