UDC 332.142.6:351.863 Zhuk, P. V., & Sokha, Yu. I. (2011). Rehional'ni pryrodno-tekhnohenni zahrozy v systemi natsional'noyi bezpeky [Regional Natural and Technogenic Threats in the System of National Security]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 62(4), 210-216. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 8
ResumeThe place of natural and technogenic threats in the system of national security is outlined. The level and peculiarities of natural and technogenic threats in Ukraine are characterized. Special attention is paid to regional differences in structure and level of natural and technogenic threats. Conclusions over poor efficiency of counteraction against such threats in Ukraine are made and the range of top-priority tasks over improvement of natural and technogenic security of the state is proposed.
Keywords:natural and technogenic threats, national security, emergency situations, region