UDC 339.747 Bezshtanko, D. V. (2012). Vnutrishni systemni peredumovy finansovoyi kryzy [The Inner System Preconditions of Financial Crisis]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 63(1), 149-154. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 12
ResumeThe major inner system preconditions of the 2008 World Financial Crisis are researched. It was designated that the USA as a leader of the market economy directs and determines the global economy by its actions. The primary goal of the market-oriented economy - profit maximization - has led to accumulation of financial bubbles. Reducing of global economy’s dependence on American currency or returning to the golden standard in order to stabilize international financial system and protect it against disruptions is suggested as a solution of this problem.
Keywords:financial crisis, the collapse of capitalism, speculation, economy of the USA