UDC 332.01:332.025:005 Tyshchenko, O. P. (2012). Metodolohiya prostorovoho pidkhodu shchodo doslidzhennya rozvytku natsional'noyi ekonomiky: teoretychna baza ta neobkhidnist' mizhdystsyplinarnoho syntezu [Methodology of Spatial Approach to the Study of National Economy Development: Theoretical Framework and the Necessity of an Interdisciplinary Synthesis]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 65(3), 16-24. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 39
ResumeMain statements of the basic theories of the studies on spatial development of the national economy developed by scientists from different fields of science are considered and systematized. Author's classification of these theories is offered and the expediency of their complex use in developing of strategies of national economy regional development are substantiated.
Keywords:national economy, spatial development, state regulation of the spatial development, theories of regional development, interdisciplinary synthesis