Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2012.03.049

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 332.1:[61+91](477.44)
Martusenko, I. V. (2012). Medyko-heohrafichne rayonuvannya terytoriyi Vinnyts'koyi oblasti [Medical-Geographical Division of the Territory of Vinnytsya Region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 65(3), 49-56. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 12



Territorial differentiation of the processes of the medical service of the region is presented. The principles, criteria and indices of medical-geographical division are designated. The elements of territorial structure of regional medical complex are defined and basic conditions for conducting the medical-geographical division of Vinnytsya region are outlined. The peculiarities of development of the medical-geographical areas of Vinnytsya region are determined.


medical-geographical region, regional medical complex, medical-geographical conditions, the center of medical service

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