UDC 338.48:332.142.6:303.4(477.8) Hulych, O. I. (2012). Stratehiya ekolohichno zbalansovanoho vykorystannya pryrodnykh rekreatsiynykh resursiv Karpats'koho rehionu [Strategy of the Ecologically Balanced Use of Natural Recreational Resources of Carpathian Region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 66(4), 123-128. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 11
ResumeStrategy of the ecologically balanced use of natural recreational resources of region of Carpathians, its structure and pre-conditions of realization is presented. In accordance with the objective the aims and subaims for forming of scientific base and legal frameworks of ecologically balanced recreational usage of natural resources and creation of modern highly productive recreational and tourism complex are defined.
Keywords:natural recreational resources, recreational potential, recreational use of natural resources, recreational capacity, strategy, Carpathians