UDC 334.722 Schulz, S. L, & Kit, L. Z. (2013). Merezhevi biznes-struktury: kontseptualizatsiya ponyat' ta zasad funktsionuvannya (ta funktsionuvannya bazovykh osnov) [Network Business Structures: Conceptualization Concepts and Principles of Operation (the Basic Foundations of Functioning)]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 68(2), 15-24. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 28
ResumeReveals the essence of approaches to the interpretation of the concept “network business structure” and offered an author’s definition. The attention to competitive advantages of functioning network enterprise structures, their role in the development of national economy and domestic entrepreneurship. Classification of network business structures is offered, analyzed competitive advantages and disadvantages of network forms of business organization.
Keywords:network economics, network businesses structures, competitive advantages