UDC 338.48(477):658.012 Lytvyn, I. V., & Nek, M. O. (2013). Problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku sil's'koho zelenoho turyzmu v rehioni [Problems and Prospects of Rural Tourism Development in the Region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 68(2), 81-88. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 15
ResumeThe essence and the main types of rural tourism were outlined, the history of the emergence of green tourism was examined, information about the popularity of eco-tourism in some regions of Ukraine and abroad was revealed. The main problems of rural tourism development grouped in three blocks on the example of Lviv region tourist organizations were considered. The cluster model of rural tourism services as one of the most effective ways to solve existing problems and to promote rural development were suggested to use in the article.
Keywords:rural green tourism, agritourism, ecotourism, tourism cluster