UDC 339.137.2:637.115(167) Chugaevska, S. V. (2013). Metodolohichni zasady doslidzhennya konkurentospromozhnosti molochnoyi produktsiyi [Methodological Principles of the Study of Dairy Products Competitiveness]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 68(2), 211-218. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 7
ResumeThree groups of factors that shape the competitiveness level of dairy products are examined: regulatory, technological and economic. The system of indicators of milk processing enterprises’ production competitiveness with substantiation of their calculation methodology is defined. To improve the competitiveness of domestic products the use of the system of indicators of milk processing enterprises’ production competitiveness with justification of their calculation methodology is required.
Keywords:dairy products, competitiveness, the system of indicators