UDC 657:336.71 Kolchar, Yu. O. (2013). Metodychnyy pidkhid do vyznachennya stavky dyskontuvannya dlya otsinky nematerial'nykh aktyviv banku u mezhakh dokhodnoho pidkhodu [Methodological Approach to the Discount Rate Determination for the Bank’s Intangible Assets Valuation within the Income Approach]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 69(3), 123-129. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 10
ResumeThe essence of a discount rate for the intangible asset cost determination within the income approach is defined. The method for the determination of weighted average cost of bank’s capital as the basic rate for the discount rate determination in estimating of the intangible assets is researched. The applicability of different types of CAPM model application for bank’s equity value determination was analyzed. On the basis of the conducted analysis the optimal models for bank’s equity value determination according to the bank activity in the stock market are established. The additional premiums for risks and low liquidity which are the obligated elements of the discount rate are analyzed.
Keywords:intangible asset, estimation, income approach, discount rate, CAPM model