UDC 332.14:336.563 Radionov, Yu. D. (2013). Subventsiyi z derzhavnoho byudzhetu mistsevym byudzhetam: rol' v sotsial'no-ekonomichnomu rozvytku rehioniv ta problemy efektyvnoho vykorystannya koshtiv [Subventions from the State Budget to Local Budgets: the Role in Socio-Economic Development of Regions and Problems of Effective Use of Funds]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 69(3), 145-153. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 7
ResumeThe analysis of the inter-budget transfers’ structure is carried out. The reasons for the growth of types and volumes of subventions from the state budget to local budgets for the last ten years and their influence on the socio-economic development of the territories are established. The reasons of inefficient use of subventions are researched and measures to improve the efficiency of budgetary funds management are researched.
Keywords:inter-budget relations, transfers from the state budget, subventions, state budget, local budgets, inefficient use of funds