UDC 332.1:330.341.1:001.89 Kolomiyets, I. F., & Goshovska, G. V. (2013). Innovatsiyno-tekhnolohichnyy rozvytok rehionu: sutnist' ta naukovi pidkhody do traktuvannya ponyattya [Innovation and Technological Development of the Region: the Nature and Scientific Approaches to the Interpretation of the Concept]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 70(4), 175-181. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 15
ResumeThe conceptual and terminological apparatus of innovation and technological development was analyzed. Scientific approaches to the system of basic concepts «innovation», «technological» «development» were disclosed. Author’s interpretation of the concept of «innovation and technological development of the region» was given.
Keywords:innovations, technologies, development, region