Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2014.03.066

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 332.146.2
Zhuk, P. V. (2014). Metodolohichni osnovy ta praktychni zavdannya staloho rozvytku hirs'kykh terytoriy Ukrayiny [Methodological basis and practical tasks of mountain territories sustainable development in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 73(3), 66-75. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 15



Theoretical, methodological and practical issues concerning the tasks of mountain territories sustainable development in Ukraine are outlined. Peculiarities of mountain territories that stipulate the necessity to develop and implement special policy of their development are indicated. The experience of mountain policy implementation in foreign countries is presented in short. On the basis of sustainable development global concept and modern approaches to its implementation in mountain regions of Europe the role of nature exploitation in achievement of mountain territories sustainable development goals is explained and basic principles of sustainable nature exploitation are defined as following: economic need for natural resources use; preserving nature exploitation traditions; granting advantages to local population in the use of resources; preserving and reproducing natural wealth; ecological nature exploitation; sticking to the limits of allowed ecological and economic compromise between the consequences of nature exploitation. Taking into consideration the fact of mountain regions retardation in economic development that restricts the possibilities of solution of mountain regions social and ecological problems the conclusion over the urgency of the tasks of mountain territories economic development taking into account their natural resources and ecologic conditions and simultaneous solution of local population employment issues is made. The mechanisms of mountain territories economic development stimulation in Ukraine and overcoming their social and economic depressiveness are proposed on the basis of introducing special investment activity regimen in mountain regions stipulated by the law of Ukraine for the priority development territories (PDT). Along with this the system of incentive for the investors is proposed that should serve both as the instrument of low investment attractiveness of mountain territories compensation and the stimulator of realization of their relative advantages that lie in the uniqueness and great social role of natural resources, demographic and ethno cultural potential of mountains. Territories of priority development are proposed to have legally imposed special customs and tax regimens and mechanisms of compensation and donations to the investors in case of implementation of the projects approved by the managing bodies of the PDT. Preferential regimen of investment activity should cover the types of economic activity and production that:

are aimed at creation of jobs for local population;

are oriented at efficient use of local natural resources;

correspond to high ecologic standards and do not damage natural mountain complexes;

maintain production of competitive goods and services and stipulate funding of local budgets.

Creation of PDT in mountain regions of Carpathian region of Ukraine contributes at a whole to the higher level of sustainable use of its natural resources potential. Aggregate level of sustainable nature exploitation index in the region according to conducted estimation amounts only to 0,578 that testifies to the fact that current state of nature exploitation in the region does not correspond to the principles, criteria and requirements of sustainable development strategy and shows the necessity of introducing the measures over the range of directions of economic, social, ecologic and institutional nature in order to bring the nature exploitation state to modern requirements.


sustainable development, mountain territories, nature exploitation, Carpathian region, social and economic depressiveness, investment activity regimen

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