Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2014.03.076

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 338:48:330.342.146:332.122 (477)
Hulych, O. I. (2014). Perspektyvy Ukrayiny ta yiyi rehioniv u realizatsiyi sotsiohumanistychnoyi paradyhmy rozvytku turystychno-rekreatsiynoho sektoru ekonomiky [Prospects of Ukraine and its regions in the implementation of socio-humanistic paradigm of development of tourist and recreational sector of economy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 73(3), 76-85. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 20



The successful development of tourism and recreation industry is largely dependent not only on the internal motivations and factors, as of the factors of the environment, the general civilizational development vectors. It is noted that the deep permanent crisis of the globalized world require changes of ideological approaches to the future of mankind. The arguments about the impossibility of implementing paradigm of development of «sustainable development» and the need for its constructive update. The necessity to move to a harmonious development of civilization, which is based on a spiritual basis. In the article an attempt to justify the place and role of tourism and recreational areas in the implementation of socio humanistic paradigm of development of social development and prospects of Ukraine and its regions in this process. The importance and objectives of recreation and tourism in providing humanistic vector of social development, fulfillment of the important features of identity formation means harmonizing man with his environment, human development in general is specified. A special attention is paid to the fundamental (basic) spatial form of tourism and recreational activities – landscape – its humanistic resource potential and its humanistic values, landscape and recreational resources humanistic, atypical component of the landscape - the spiritual. Is accented on the need of advanced treatment of functional tourist and recreational area and asked to identify it as a socio humanistic potential, where tourism and recreational potential is considered as its component. It is noted that Ukraine and its regions have a wide range of natural tourist and recreational resources are rich and diverse culture and traditions, history, historical and cultural heritage, the great potential of cultural development, cultural enrichment and recreation. Recreation and tourism activities can be successfully implemented in almost every region. Given the component representation of regional socio humanistic potential of each region will have its own range of recreational and tourist services and unique set of individual profile and it’s combination. It almost makes unlimited opportunities to create new packages of tourist and recreational services, as close to the individualized needs of consumers-tourists. According to the principles of harmonious development the need to move to a policy of development tourist and recreational sector of the state and regions with an emphasis on strengthening the role and use of complex socio humanistic potential is identified. Formation of policy use of complex socio humanistic recreational potential of the territory as a basis for the harmonious development of the state and the regions may be the subject of further scientific studies.


recreation, tourism, tourism and recreation sector, harmonious development, socio-humanistic paradigm, socio-humanistic potential, region paradigm

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