Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2014.04.007

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 32:94(477)
Vovkanych, S. Y. (2014). Ideolohichni zasady derzhavotvorennya v systemi stratehizatsiyi rehional'noyi polityky, natsional'noyi ekonomiky ta bezpeky Ukrayiny [Ideological foundations of state building in the system of strategically regional policy, national economy and security of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 74(4), 7-23. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 5



Based on the analysis of threats to the state building process in Ukraine, preservation of its national identity for the first time is proposed to introduce the Ukrainian idea components in the rank of strategies of socioeconomic development, its national security systems and collective Euro-Atlantic security. This would become the basis for harmonization and integration of vectors of development of national economy and conduction of regional policy on the one hand. On the other hand – this would remove supposedly insurmountable existing regional contradictions, that indeed are speculation of anti-Ukrainian forces, that come from outside to prevent the consolidation of the Ukrainian people and prevent the mobilization of its effort to increase its state building capacity, strengthening national security and thus finally accelerate the output of Ukraine on the world’s leading scientific, technical, socioeconomic, information technology, moral, cultural and other civilization positions. It is shown that the choice of axiology of ideological support of development of the national state is a factor of future of Ukrainians, Ukrainian identity preservation, and also the life of the nation in general.


Ukrainian national idea (UNI) ideological principles, strategy of development, national identity, being Ukrainian, informational war

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