Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2014.04.087

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 336.76:338.246.025.2
Zablotsky, M. B. (2014). Rehulyuvannya rivnovahy rehional'noyi i natsional'noyi ekonomiky za proyavom efektiv produktovo-tsinovoyi dykhotomiyi [Regulation of the balance of regional and national economy for the manifestation of the effects of product-pricing dichotomy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 74(4), 87-94. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 10



This paper focuses on the problem of long-term depressive condition of the economy of Ukraine and its regions. Economic depression as the high annual infation rate of GDP and the consumer basket are signs. The problem of depression hypertrophied dynamics of trends in interest rates fnancial market is exacerbate. The experience of researching and identifying the causes of the imbalance of the economy by classics of economic theory is generalized. The basis of research of reasons the ratio of aggregate demand and aggregate supply is taken, the imbalance of whose is accompanied by systemic or fnancial crises. The study of Ukrainian scientists in fnding ways to stabilize the economy in Ukraine and bring it to a state of equilibrium is highlighted. Model of the economic system as a quantitative ratio of the natural product and its price and money and their turnover for regulating and stabilization of the national income and national expenditure due to increased marginal product involved in the production of labor and capital is proposed for use. Factor variables of model is the number of fxed capital, product and the amount of money, the resultant – the price of the product unit and the rate of turnover of money. During establishment of compliance between output product and national income and consumer needs resulting variables are stabilized and the economy will come into equilibrium. Emphasized that the main criterion for economic growth and stabilization of prices in the markets is primarily labor and capital productivity. Distribution of national income in cash must agree with the number of occupied by labor product and involved capital. Reasonable terms of “golden rule” as the ratio of the levels and indices of labor productivity and capital, and also income and expenses. It is noted that the growth rate of income can not exceed the rising level of labor productivity and capital, and the level and costs rising – the level and rising of income. The relationship of fuctuations in the economy with the compliance failure of conditions of the “golden rule” is highlighted. In specifc calculations fuctuations of the economy in the short and long term are illustrated. Calculations of “overheating” and “cooling” of the economy are shows, which making the possibility to justify regulatory measures for its stabilization. The necessity to apply regulatory measures taking into account the effects of product-pricing dichotomy is highlighted. The cost of the product is the ratio of the product number as a real variable and the price of the product unit or the amount of money in circulation as a nominal variable. The essence of the regulatory measures should be limited: a) under conditions of prices rise in product defcit – to increase investment and amount of product and also to reduce the volume of money in circulation to equilibrium; b) under conditions of the product growth and the price reduction – to reduce investment and the amount of product to the equilibrium with monetary income.


number of natural products, price of the product, amount of money, convertibility of money, national income, national expenditure, deregulation of the economy, productivity of labor and capital, equilibrium of the economy

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